Drake Wood Duck
Drake Wood Duck

A Drake Wood Duck in the Wissahickon Creek.

Tree Swallow
Tree Swallow

Portrait of a Tree Swallow taken at John Heinz NWR in Philadelphia, PA.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

Taken on my porch when I lived in Saco, ME.

Fish Crow
Fish Crow

Taken in Asbury Park, NJ in September of 2017.  Appears to have recently molted based on teh pinfeathers around the cheek area.


Sitting on a nest in Heislerville, NJ. 

Douc Langur
Douc Langur

For Full Disclosure:  This image was taken in the Philadelphia Zoo.

Douc Langurs are native to Southeast Asia.  I loved this shot though.  It looks like most of my friends when I make jokes.

Red Fox
Red Fox

This Red Fox was a very cooperative model!  Ocean County, NJ.

A Mallard named George
A Mallard named George

When I worked at Phoenix Management in Maine, I used to feed the ducks that wintered on the Saco River.  One duck, a drake with a distinctive mark on his bill would fly in from the river whenever I whistled!  So I named him George...

A Mallard named Ouisie.
A Mallard named Ouisie.

George (the drake in the previous image) had a girlfriend...so I had to name her Martha or Ouisie...I went with Ouisie.

Little Blue Heron
Little Blue Heron

I was hoping that they might stick around and nest, but they only lingered in the garden at work for 2 weeks.

Black Skimmer
Black Skimmer

When you see this impressive jaw from head-on its amazing how thin it is.  The lower part of the jaw is lowered into a body of water as the bird flies in search of food. 

Yellow-Rumped Warbler (In Fall)
Yellow-Rumped Warbler (In Fall)

One of the first warblers to arrive and the last to leave.  This Yellow-Rump was fueling up on Bayberries at Cape May Lighthouse State Park.

Herring Gull
Herring Gull

Taken on the jetty at Barnegat Light State Park just before sunset.

American Coot
American Coot

Of all of the animals I have seen at CityView (a high rise Condo in center city Philadelphia) this has got to be the oddest find.  This American Coot was in the GARDEN and hung out for the better part of the day, far from any wetlands or open water.

Laughing Gull
Laughing Gull

This one looks more like a mugshot than a portrait.  The "shadow" is actually another gull.  I was on the beach at Cape May Point and was aimed up at this bird with a number of other laughing gulls surrounding it.  The result looks like a bird in front of a blue background taken with a flash and casting a shadow.  Serendipity!

Great Horned Owl
Great Horned Owl

Full Disclosure:  This is Gaia, an ambassador at the Center for Wildlife in Cape Neddick, ME.  When I lived in Maine, I sold my photos to help them with fundraising.

Black-Bellied Plover
Black-Bellied Plover

Taken at Pine Point in Scarborough, ME.

Double-Crested Cormorant
Double-Crested Cormorant

Something about this image reminds me of Kristen Wiig's character,  "Gillie," from Saturday Night Live.


Also taken at Pine Point in Scarborough, ME.

Bonaparte's Gull
Bonaparte's Gull

This bird was photographed in Kennebunk, ME.  Interestingly enough, the latin name is Chroicocephalus philadelphia, and the common name is in honor ofCharles Lucien Bonaparte.  Bonaparte had a strong connection to Philadelphia, my adoptive home. 

Charles Lucien Bonaparte was Napoloeon's nephew.  He was a scientist and worked to complete the work of Alexander Wilson, who is considered America's first Ornithologist.

White-Throated Sparrow
White-Throated Sparrow

Taken in early sprng in Center City Philadelphia.